Kiley Ryan
Unit 1 project: Beatle artwork
Master Artist: Pablo Picasso
Certain Artist: Joan Danzinger
I forgot to take progress photos
So I decided to do a beetle because I wanted to understand the texture of the body of it. I liked the antennae on the bug and the different designs. I could of done more orb like objects around the beetle but i just finished it off with only two. I wanted to do this project because during one of my other classes we found a beetle and It sounded like something fun to do some art with.
Unit 2 Watercolor Project:
Progress Photos
Master Artist: Rosa Bonheur
Current Artist: Eric Sweet
For this watercolor I wanted to do the animal project. I realy like the leaves and how the flower on the snake looks. One thing I could of done better is the scales and have the snake hanging off a branch or something like that. The hardest part was figuring out how to do the snakes and keeping them roughly the same size. I thought painting this was really fun even though there were some things I would change.
Unit 3 Project: Pastel Monarch Butterfly
Progress Photo:
Master Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Current Artist: Ester Curini
For this artwork I really thought a close up of a butterfly would be really neat so I caved in with that idea. I think the best part about this was using pastels and figuring out a way to do this without smugging too much. I really like the blending of the yellos and oranges together. it really made the monarch butterfly pop put. One thing that I could of done better is trying to keep the white away from the black because they kept blending into each other. It was also one of the stugglesI has dealing with this project. I chose Van Gogh because hes works are really cool and the technique is really unique so I tried to incorporate something like that.
For this unit I thought it would be a good idea to do an underwater scene of an octopuses view. So I did a different color scheme of a purple tint to the arms. I had trouble the most with the little sticky tentacles. I liked the greenish color of the big rocks and the sponge coral. I think I should of made it less vibrant and more realistic instead of a kind of fun experimental artwork. I think the background of the dead tree also gives it more of a feel of a scene you would see if you went to a tropical place with crystal clear water. I took a lot of inspiration with Wylands work with adding disney characters to his art. Katsushika Hokusai painted rough ocean scenes above water but I liked the crashing of the waves and that style he prevented. I added the water foam on an underwater perspective instead of on the rocks clashing on the top of the water.
Unit 4
Current Artist: Robert Wyland
Master Artist: Katsushika Hokusai
Unit 5
current artist: Carol Cavalaris
master artist: Albrech Durer
For this unit, I liked the idea to try something different and doing mixed media with watercolor and acrylics. It was supposed to capture the American Dream since the hawk I think is a symbol of that. I created a dreamcatcher and the eye shape. I think it turned out pretty good even if it looks a like weird. I think my favorite part in making it was the feathers and making half of the hawk. I struggled with making the eye shape and using the right colors so it doesn't look really out of place.
Unit 6: Pun Art
Master Artist: Rene Magritte
Current Artist: Bil Keane
So for this piece I did a lemon shark that was suppose to be a visial pun I kept having to redo it and figure out how to make it some what go. I did this with water color and I think I could of make the shark more realistic and not cut into pieces.
Unit 7 Project
Master Artists: Ernst Haeckel
Current Artists: Ogla Shvartsur
Jellyfish realism project. This took a while to figure out what jellyfish I wanted to do but I make it more fantasy base with the different colors. I should of make a background and put the jellyfish in a different angle. I hve the most trouble with that so I need to develop a habit of that.